Be right back!

22 Mar

It’s getting hard for me to contain my excitement right now…. but very soon you are going to see an entire new HFoP!!!

While I work with my new fabulous designer/tech goddess to get set up on the new website, and get schooled in web development/design 101, the blogs posts might be a little slow…


So I apologize in advance for any error messages and slow content, but I promise to make it all up to you with the new fabulous design.

Be back soon!



Good times in the Bathroom

20 Mar

Remember when I posted about our upstairs bathroom conundrum?
Well I hope I kept you on the edge of your seat…

Here is a refresher with what we started with…

The deal:

Our upstairs full bathroom is quite dated to say the least.  I’m not even sure what color you would call the yellow room… somewhere between mustard and really ripe banana (yummy combo).  But unfortunately bathroom renos are quite expensive, and not high on our spending priority list.  So to hold us over until we win the lottery or yellow tile comes back in style (whichever comes first) I needed to do my best with some fun decor.

Now am I just trying to distract visitors from the color with some really cool accessories?  You betcha!!!

The Stuff:

So after a little bit of shopping, here’s the update!

Paint color: Behr Gentle Rain

Shower curtain from Urban Outfitters


Various brown weave baskets from TJMaxx for storage (reused from apartment)
Hand woven Turkish hand towels from Etsy.

Wall hanging towel holder from Iron Accents (reused from apartment)


Bell jar soap dispenser (resused from apartment)


The one built-in in the entire house!  This is a tribute to our old place 🙂

Ok, so not the most dramatic before and after photo shoot (and sorry for the poor photos… the lighting is horrible in there).  However this was a truly cheap project (under $65) that was a lot of fun to do!

Short term plans:

Replace the toilet (white please!)

Replace the sink (something with storage underneath)

Replace the mirror/light fixture with something (ANYTHING) else!

Long term plans:

Bathroom gut, expand, and total overhaul.

{So how have YOU spruced up your bathroom on the cheap?}

Hat Attack Giveaway Winner

19 Mar

Happy Monday everyone!

And an even happier Monday for Carolyn L. who is the winner of the Hat Attack giveaway!

Carolyn, you lucky chick, please email me at so we can talk shipping address 🙂

For everyone else, thanks so much for entering and helping spread the word about Hat Attack.

*Giveaway winner is chosen using a random drawing tool,*

So this past weekend was the first weekend since we moved into our new house that we didn’t spend most of it doing house stuff.  While it felt good (really good) to get out and about, I’m definitley anxous to get back at it!

Coming up on HFoP….

1.  Project: Hallway gallery wall

2. Fun with pots and pans

3. House Update: Bathroom decor

And one of my all time favorite topics…

4. Jewerly organization

{Stay tuned}

Big things ahead…

17 Mar

First off, sorry for the double post on Thursday!

Things have been a little wild and crazy over in HFoP land because I am currently in the process of revamping the site!

Oh yeah, that’s right…House Full of Pretty is getting a major makeover!!!  And unlike our recent house makeovers, this one is far more brain than labor intensive. 

I don’t want to spoil too much too soon, but what I can say is that the site will be undergoing some much needed changes both on the outisde, and inside…And cross your fingers it’s gonna look smokin hot!

And for any bloggers out there who have contemplated switching from or Blogger to… I promise to share my experience with you!


P.S. Don’t forget to enter the Hat Attack Giveaway which closes Sunday!   We’re talking about a free designer hat, people.  Let’s get on this!

Lesson Four: Inner Beauty

15 Mar

When I saw this print on Etsy, immediately I thought that this was the story of our house.

Source: Etsy

When we decided to put an offer on our house, it wasn’t an “OMG this our home!” moment that you too often see on HGTV.  No it was more like… Should we do this?  Are we going to regret this decision?  Can we really afford this?  Will we be able to get rid of all that pink?

And most importantly…will this negatively impact my shoe purchasing habit???

The house was not conventionally “beautiful” as you saw in some of the before pictures.  It screamed “old lady from the 1970’s” with the pink carpeting and flower wallpaper, an abundance of statues, and bold colored bathrooms.  Oh, and did I mention there was no dishwasher?

But what drew us in were the things that no amount of money or hard work could change, and was the location, the size of the land and rooms, and the really good price.   Another driving factor was something that Tony really helped me see and that was that the house had good bones.  It’s so easy to get caught up in the aesthetics of a house, but at the end of the day, a solid home is a reliable home… and that is a happy and worry free home 🙂

So today’s home buying lesson (see previous lessons 1, 2 & 3) is a simple one, but something that is so easily overlooked…. And that is to focus on some of the “not fun” things during your search like the foundation, maintenance needs, and general structure of the house.  Because once the house is yours (and that feels pretty damn good, let me tell you) the inside stuff can be changed to become the beautiful space you want. 

It’s amazing what a little TLC can do to transform a place, and sometimes the love (and sweat and tears) that go into the transformation make it all that more beautiful in the end.

Aaaaand sappy post concludes 😉