Tag Archives: 2011 reflection

Past, Present & Future

16 Dec

With 2011 soon coming to a close, I encourage you all to take some time to think about all of the positive things the year has brought.  Was it a year of change?  Did you accomplish all that you set out to do?  Did you make new friendships, start new relationships, or begin a new job?  Did you learn anything new about yourself? 

My 2011 was quite a whirlwind.  It started off a bit challenging, as I struggled with how to best support my husband as he finished his PhD in Electrical Engineering.  Ever thought about getting one of those?  Yeah, it’s not as glamorous as it sounds 🙂 We also spent some time living in different parts of the state which was quite an adjustment after living in the same apartment for several years.  But with those challenges came some incredible learning experiences…. We learned to cope, to adjust and to make the best of the situation.  I think we both learned how strong and resilient we were as a couple, and looking back now, I am so grateful for that experience.    Now it wasn’t all a pity party… In 2011 I got this blog rolling (whoohoo), Tony graduated and moved East, and the biggest highlight – we got married!!!  All in all, it’s been a year of tremendous growth, celebration, and love.


Before we set off on our 2012 journey, where are you at right now?  Are you happy with your job, your social network, your routine, your priories, and most importantly yourself? Do you ever stop and smell the roses?  Take a minute, close your eyes, and feel the present.  What do you feel like this very moment?

Time and time again I have vowed to live my life more in the present.  As an avid list maker, planner, and someone who has a hard time sitting still – this is quite challenging for me, but nevertheless each year I vow to try.  This year I am going to take an active approach to living in the present.  I plan to take a few minutes each day to do nothing but let my mind wander, take more deep breaths, intentionally leave my cell phone at home, pick up a book instead of my laptop, and go for walks with no destination in mind.


What would you like to accomplish this year?  What reasonable goals can you set for yourself?  How can you be a better person, a better friend, a better partner?  What can you do to give back?

While this may contradict my previous vow to live in the present, let’s get real – this planner needs to have some goals, right?  This year I have just a few small yet important things I’d like to accomplish.  I want to be realistic so that I can enter 2013 knowing I did what I set out to do.  I want to be more patient, both with people, with projects and with myself, and I want to give back.  I hope to find some volunteer work that allows me to use my good fortune, whether it be my time or my strengths, to help someone in need.

So what about YOU?


HFoP will be signing off until the new year because it’s honeymoon time!!!  And I will NOT be connected to the internet!  See? I’m accomplishing things already!
But I wish you all a wonderful holiday and hopefully some time off from work, and I can’t wait to share all of the exciting home decor stuff I have in store for 2012…. Get psyched!